Monday, March 30, 2020

Organic Chemistry Brown 8th Edition Solutions Manual

Organic Chemistry Brown 8th Edition Solutions ManualAre you a student looking for a quick study guide that can help you understand organic chemistry? This handy book is definitely a great choice for you. It is available on the Internet as well as in bookstores, but it is a good idea to find out what other students think about this solution manual before buying it.In order to gain a good understanding of organic chemistry, it is very important to gain as much information as possible. The first thing you need to know about organic chemistry is the elements that are present in nature. There are four main elements, or elements and their compound, that are used in the process of synthesizing compounds.Oxides are one of the four major elements in the chemical structure. Oxides are lighter than atoms. Compounds such as hydrogen and oxygen are called ions. A substance with an ionic form is also called an ion.To understand how to treat substances, the following is a basic example. If you want to dissolve salt, you would add some acid and alkali in order to make the salt dissociate from its surroundings. The basic rule in this process is that you would need to use something that is lighter than the solute that you want to separate.Another simple example is to put gasoline into your car engine. You would add gasoline to the oil in order to make the oil liquefy and turn it into gas. You can easily apply the rule to other elements and make sure that you are using an element that is lighter than the other one that you are going to use.As you can see, there is a lot to learn when learning the basics of chemistry and the ability to apply that knowledge is what gives students the skills needed to be successful in their careers. Knowing which elements can form compounds that are useful in the process of synthesizing compounds is only the first step to becoming an organic chemist. In order to learn more, you need to invest your time and money in a good study guide.Online resource s are available that can provide a good organic chemistry solution manual for the price of just one online lesson. While most online solutions do not provide full-length lessons, they do provide a good introduction to the study of organic chemistry. You can also find reference materials that you can use throughout your study of organic chemistry. When it comes to a good organic chemistry study guide, you should be able to find something that you can use for the rest of your career.One online solution that provides additional study resources for students is the Flash Quantum Chemistry series. The practice exams and practice exercises that the company provides to make it easy for you to find out if you have learned enough about organic chemistry to pass the exam. They also give you a better idea of what is to come when you take an organic chemistry test.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Aldar Academies LLC

Aldar Academies LLC Aldar Academies LLC Overview When it comes to selecting the best school for your loved ones, you will naturally look out for a trustworthy educator with a proven track record. Aldar Academies should be a natural choice for more than one reason. From a single, 247-student facility in 2007, Aldar Academies has fast grown into a highly sought after institution serving over 5,000 students in six schools in Abu Dhabi and one in Al Ain. This phenomenal expansion reflects the great confidence of parents, students, and Abu Dhabis education authorities in Aldar Academies model: Our British curriculum, specially adapted to the UAE and taught by professionals of international calibre, ensures that our students have access to world-class education while enjoying a stimulating multi-cultural setting where intellectual development is nurtured alongside personal growth. Our Muslim students enjoy the extra advantage of a diverse and creative, teaching and learning programme in Arabic language and Islamic studies. Our schools are constantly winning the praise of Abu Dhabi Education Council as providers of top grade education. Persistently high year-on-year performance from Year 1 through to GCSE suggests that our students will maintain their excellent record through to university and beyond. Join thousands of parents who placed their trust on Aldar Academies as an able provider of superb education. Our Aims and Values At Aldar Academies we are committed to providing education of the highest quality. We seek to: Provide outstanding facilities and resources Offer a full range of courses and services Enable all pupils to achieve their potential Foster genuine partnerships with parents Promote inclusion and equality Engender respect and active citizenship Develop motivated, ambitious and confident life-long learners Provide professional, high quality, caring staff Academic Standards Students are assessed through the admissions process. Our baseline tests ensure a level of English language and ability that will allow them to access and succeed with our curriculum.

5 Skills to Develop Over Summer

5 Skills to Develop Over Summer While the summer holidays offer students time off from the regular routine of school, it's also the ideal time to improve academic skills like reading and even job skills to increase one's chances of getting accepted into a university. Here's a list of 5 skills to develop over the summer. Boost Literacy Skills Broaden your vocabulary by reading the latest best-selling book in your favourite genre while lounging in a chair at the beach or pool. When you discover a word that you don't know the meaning off, look it up in the dictionary. Then, write it down and try to use that work in some of your daily conversation with others. Not only will learning new words sharpen your communication skills, it'll help you earn higher grades in English. Learn New Job Skills Many students work either part-time or full-time during summer vacation. Instead of just flipping burgers at the local McDonald's, seek out a job opportunity that builds job skills that will look good on a college application. For example, aspiring nurses can seek jobs in hospitals where they interact with medical staff and patients. Up-and-coming engineers can secure positions as assistants to surveyors. Prospective teachers can find summer jobs with an opportunity to work with children and build their own leadership skills. The point is to secure a summer job that is meaningful to your career interest and one where you can learn new skills. Enhance Communication Skills Strengthening your communication skills builds confidence and your own personal presence. It's also an important tool for success in school and work. Consider taking a summer workshop in communication skills to learn how to express ideas concisely and clearly. Even throw a summer party and test out your new skills. After all, learning should be fun! Brush-Up on Homework Skills Homework is an important aspect of the educational system, as it has been proven to enhance learning outcomes. Brush up on your self-regulation skills that entail homework, such as setting goals, time management, self-monitoring and completing tasks. Pick a subject, such as maths, where you would like to practice and learn more. Go ahead and set up your own mini-curriculum for the summer and complete it independently. When it comes to homework skills, practice makes perfect. Strengthen Academic Weaknesses If there is a specific subject that you're weak in, such as maths or science, take a summer course in that subject. These courses don't entail a lot of time, so you don't have to worry about losing summertime fun. Zero in on where you're weak, and sign up for a course that covers those areas. When school rolls around again, you'll be a step ahead. The trick to developing skills during your summer vacation is to pick skills that have true meaning in your everyday life and future. Be sure to integrate the time set aside to develop those skills with some fun by enjoying friends and summertime activities like jet skiing or surfing.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Who is a Tutor Online For Free Math?

Who is a Tutor Online For Free Math?With the best tutor online for free math, you can get an introduction to the subject and make some mistakes. You might also have a higher degree of success than you would at home. Tutors have been online for many years now, and online tutoring is as professional as your standard tutoring service.Online tutoring doesn't mean that you are dealing with tutors who aren't qualified. The field of online tutoring is very lively, full of people offering any kind of teaching or training that could help you learn. A great many people who use the internet are seeking help from online tutors. These are people who aren't interested in the teacher-student relationship at home. They want their children to do better in school, and they need the skills and expertise of an online tutor to help them achieve this.Online tutoring has grown into a very large and successful industry. Many parents are turning to online tutoring to help their kids do better in school. It's not just a result of personal interest, either.In some cases, it's true that students who can't afford to pay for cheap tuition fees get good quality of education from an online tutor. While this may not be always true, it does happen sometimes. With all of the recent technological developments, online tutoring has evolved to the point where it can be offered without charge by many people.Online tutoring can include teaching, mentoring, assessment, exam preparation, homework help, and everything else that can be learned in a classroom setting. Because so many people use the internet to find help, online tutoring services are very well known. A well established tutor will be able to show you exactly what he or she can do to help you, but most will be willing to let you take the course for free in order to get your feedback.Online tutoring isn't really any different from the normal tutor services you see. You can expect to use the same resources and find the same level of help and su pport. In most cases, the tutor will also be responsible for the cost of your course fee. It doesn't matter whether you want to take your tutor online or offline, he or she is still going to teach you math online and answer your questions. This means that if you are an online student, you get a hands-on experience that makes learning fun and effective.Online tutoring for free math can be of great value to your child. What's more, it will allow you to spend less time being distracted by someone who is lacking your skill. Taking a course for free online, regardless of what your current situation, should be a good idea.

The Cost of An Algebra Tutor

The Cost of An Algebra TutorA tutor can be a great help to a student looking to learn calculus, algebra, or any other math. Tutors can teach students different methods for solving problems and they can also help them learn the concepts of different areas of math. When it comes to calculus, students will be able to master the difficult algebra and calculus concepts.Math tutors can be useful for students in all types of schools. They can teach the math at high school, middle school, and even elementary school. They can also help students who need to learn other types of math. Students who are interested in learning other subjects, such as computer science, English, and social studies can also benefit from math tutors.The most important thing to remember is that an algebra tutor can be costly. There are different tuition rates and classes that will depend on the school where the tutor is located. If a student is starting out in a school, they will not need to worry about paying tuition or costs.With a new math tutor, students will have to pay more than if they were teaching themselves. It is a good idea to start with a tutor for the first two years. This is because the student will learn how to do the techniques they need to. For many students, it will take more than two years to master the concept.When a student does decide to switch from a math tutor to teaching themselves, the cost may come down if they choose to teach themselves and search for resources on the internet. Some parents can find free resources online. There are also many textbooks that will come with different textbook packages that will allow students to purchase more than one course.Each student should make sure that they are aware of the different types of math taught at different schools. Not every school will offer the same subjects. Students should check with their school for specific programs and classes. Many schools will offer the same classes but offer them to students differently.Teachi ng themselves will be a cheaper way to learn. But students should still research what different classes in the school offer to see which will help them to learn the most.

How to Improve Writing Skills

How to Improve Writing Skills Learn How to Improve your Writing with Our Complete Guide ChaptersHow to Improve English WritingHow To Improve Your SpellingHow To Write The Perfect EssayIs The Spelling Level Falling In The UK?Benefits Of Daily WritingThe History Of The English LanguageReading and writing are basic skills that are necessary to get you by in most workplaces, regardless of your field of expertise.It is not enough to be able to talk to others in your native language, it only seems right that as a fluent speaker of English you should also hold the basic skills to be able to communicate eloquently on all levels in your first language, including in writing.Reading and writing are seen as basic skills. Photo credit: susivinh via Visualhunt.comNon-native speakers coming to England naturally expect those born and bred in the country to be experts in English, however it is more often than not they who have a better grasp of the individualities of written English. Speakers of English as a second language study its attributes more intensely over a shorter period of ti me, simultaneously learning how to speak the language whilst also tackling how to read and write it correctly.Non-UK nationals wishing to study or work in the country are usually especially keen to prove their commitment to Britain by perfecting their language skills. Many therefore put in great effort into attending language classes and undertaking national study programmes like GCSE or A Level English so that they can boast the same level of education as some of their colleagues.Sadly it is not uncommon for Britons to struggle with spelling in their mother-tongue language. In this day and age, it seems like the importance of good writing is somewhat overlooked by the education system, which places more emphasis on the content of the subjects studied and giving pupils less help with basic writing skills (including handwriting, spelling, grammar and vocabulary).Although schools require pupils to study English as standard up to the age of sixteen, the little focus on the finer detail s of language and on improving communication does not help our younger generations to take pride in their written skills.The syllabus dictates that students should be at a certain level when they begin a course and, if they are not, there is little teachers can do to get them up to speed as their class time is mapped out to teach particular modules. Consequently, pupils who fall behind with things like language skills therefore have no option but to seek private tuition or continue through their education and beyond with a poor standard of literacy.In addition to the core subjects featured on the current syllabi, a compulsory Life Skills programme would be beneficial to teach pupils the importance of communication to the way in which they present themselves to others. This includes how their written skills on official documents (like their curriculum vitae, for example) come across to employers, as well as teaching them that their appearance and body language can say a lot about the ir personality and attitude.See how you can be a Skype English teacher here.Writing For BusinessSole traders or small independent businesses will no doubt be doing their own marketing and communications including social media updates, producing web content, quoting, invoicing, etc… all of which require some level of writing.A good command of English is vital in business to show professionalism and to prevent any costly mistakes caused by inconsistencies in grammar and spelling, not to motion the incorrect use of punctuation.It sounds incredibly trivial but sometimes a comma or a full stop can make all the difference in the meaning of a sentence!Becoming An AuthorIn today’s world, it seems like anyone and everyone is becoming an author. Celebrities who found fame and fortune in either sport, fashion or television are now turning their hand to writing autobiographies or are seeking new careers as children’s writers. Yet, it is hard to believe that they all have a natural flair f or writing.As it happens, many of them do not. In fact, many successful writers are not excellent spellers or great with sentence structure. That is where the job of editors and even ghost writers comes in, to turn an initial idea into a coherent piece of writing that makes the reader want to keep on finding out more.The point here being that the ability to write well is not a skill that many people possess, therefore overcoming your pride and making the effort to become a better writer means that you are acquiring a dying out skill, in turn making your skills all the more valuable to employers.Hire a pivate tutor to get some help for English writing and find your style.Writing For FunYour interest in becoming a better writer might quite simply be down to you wanting to pursue a hobby of yours, or to improve your general literacy skills. Regardless of why you might be considering ways to improve your writing, it is always a good idea to teach yourself using resources produced by tea chers or, even better, to attend a class whereby you can learn from an expert.Writing is very important in business but can also impact on your everyday life. Photo via Visual huntOther key lessons are to always use a capital letter when using names or the pronoun ‘I’. On a similar note, learners should be aware that, when writing about themselves or as the narrator of a text whereby others are also mentioned, the pronoun ‘I’ should always take to the back of the queue. This means listing all others before oneself, for example: “Tom, Dick, Harry and I” as opposed to “Me, Tom, Dick and Harry”.Starting off with short and simple sentences is advisable, before attempting more advanced structures, like those with commas, semi-colons or colons included within them.In order to really understand how to construct a sentence though, pupils need to understand the basic parts of speech, some of which were mentioned above. This means that word categories such as nouns, verbs, adj ectives and adverbs should all be examined.To help a true beginner to start writing sentences, teachers might offer prompts, such as “I am from…”, “My name is… “, or “My pet is…”. These simple exercises allow students to learn how to provide basic facts in sentence-form, and can then enable them to move onto using more descriptive language tools.Asking pupils to describe others’ appearances in a class or to talk about an object can help them build confidence in their descriptive writing abilities.Once a basic understanding of writing using sentences has been mastered, pupils can continue to build on these foundations and begin writing short creative pieces of writing, or writing diary-style entries to get them accustomed to using a wider range of vocabulary and language tools. Then, they can experiment with writing in first or third person, using different tones and styles.Find the best English tutors Sheffield on Superprof.How Reading Improves WritingResearch ha s shown that there is a very strong link between reading and writing: their close relationship often means that when a person is good at one, they will usually be good at the other too.Remember that, without the discipline of reading, a writer would have no place in the world. This is why you should practice reading to help you to understand what you, as a reader, get from it and what you therefore need to recreate in your own written words.Children learn to read before they write because reading ultimately teaches them about how to do the other.Find GCSE English tutor here.How To Improve Your SpellingAt times, misspellings can entirely change the meaning of what you write, leaving you red-faced. A perfect example of this is a parent lovingly typing a photo caption on their Facebook page saying “What an angle”, when they actually intended to refer to their child as an “angel”. Oops!Not only do these kinds of typos make you want to cringe, but they can also make you seem unpr ofessional or even illiterate, depending on who your audience is.In many cases, innocent typos are not the end of the world but we wonder if Donald Trump’s team were at all mortified by the spelling mistake in the President’s official inauguration poster which read: “No dream is too big, no challenge is to great”…Poor spelling can be embarrassing for you as an individual or for your business, but it can also cost you money in the long-run. For example, if you saw marketing materials riddled with errors, would you be as keen to buy from that company? Correct spelling makes an organisation seem more professional and cared for, and it improves the overall presentation of their work.In addition, not understanding punctuation can lead to you committing to more work than you set out to (to the reader, a comma says 'and' but an inexperienced writer could mean 'or' when they write it down and not realise the implications).The key to improving your spelling is not only to practice writing, but to read as much as you can, and as widely as possible. However, if you are serious about educating yourself on spelling, pronunciation and the like, then you might be keen to look into courses or finding resources online to get you ahead of the game.Get a English tutor Edinburgh here.Attending A ClassIf you have tried your best to teach yourself basic writing skills but you are still lacking in confidence, it may be time to consider joining a class or finding a tutor who can work on your weaknesses with you. The most common spelling mistakes are recognising the difference between words like ‘to’, ‘too’ and ‘two’, as well as ‘its’ and ‘it’s’. During classes, teachers can explain the key differences between these types of common occurrences and give you fewer reasons to question your spelling.Using ResourcesAlthough dictionaries are now somewhat dated, these are a great way of checking the spelling of words. If you are writing an essay or story, keep a dictionary close by so that you can stop and consult a word’s spelling and definition while you are in the moment.You can also access a dictionary or thesaurus online, which might save you time if you have your smartphone to hand.We often take for granted our smartphones and what they can do, but the predictive text features which appear across most mobile operating systems are extremely useful in understanding the spelling of words.You may notice that, as you begin to type, the correctly-spelled word appears before you. This is just one more way of getting to know the correct spelling of a variety of words as you go about your everyday life. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Yuwe iChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHow To Write The Perfect EssayEvery student knows that a good essay starts with an introduction and ends with a conclusion, with a body of text in between split into various paragraphs or points. But what is it that takes a good essay and makes it a great essay? Is there such a thing as a perfect essay?Teachers and examiners would agree that a successful essay is the culmination of a list of things: an interesting topic, a strong introductory statement, a revelation or conclusion that sums up the points discussed and, of course, a good display of spelling, grammar, vocabulary and punctuation.Where To BeginIf you try to write an essay in the order in which it is read, you are going to encounter some difficulties. The first thing you should do when setting about writing so essay is to plan the text in diagram form or by noting down bullet points in succession.It is at this stage that your essay will begin to take form and any points you wish to make will become clear.Try to make your sections flow by identifying links between paragraphs. At this stage, you can move paragraphs around until you find a skeleton of text that works. Once you are happy that you know the direction in which your essay will head, start writing the body first.A top essay writing tip is to always leave your introduction and conclusion until last, even though this goes against your instincts. The introduction, by nature, tells the reader what you plan to look at in the thesis while the conclusion summarises the key points made and ultimately answers the questions raised in the introductory paragraph.Allow yourself the freedom to go off on a tangent in the body of text if an idea springs to mind â€" do not limit yourself to staying on a predetermined track set out by an introduction, as these spontaneous thoughts could be the ones that take your essay from good to, dare we say, perfect.The perfect essay might take a different course than that you planned for. Photo credit: cogdogblog via Visual huntThe time it takes to write your essay is irrelevant. If you are a fast writer, then writing a 1500-word essay in the space of a couple of hours is not uncommon. Equally, spending two or three hours a night for a week on structuring your perfect essay could simply be the best way for you.Just because your peers spent more or less time on their essays than you did, does not mean that your work is any stronger or weaker.Is The Spelling Level Falling In The UK?It feels like the spelling level in the UK is falling drastically, but could it be the volume of words we see each day that is making this theory appear true? An average person will read other people’s words at various points in their day: a news headline, an email from a colleague, a text message from a friend, a blog about DIY, not to mention all of the product marketing that is under our noses as we watch TV , walk about the streets, go to a shop etc…So, could we be u nder the illusion that our population’s basic skills are diminishing simply because a larger number of people have found a voice thanks to the World Wide Web?If you think about it, the only texts we would have read prior to the Internet would have been words written by people who are good at it (for instance authors and journalists) or those who enjoyed it as a hobby (a letter from a pen pal, for example).These individuals are bound to be reasonably good spellers as they have had practice and shown an interest in the skill. However, many of the remarks posted on our screens are written by people who are so used to using the Internet to voice their opinions that they really do not distinguish the difference between writing and speaking.What Can We Do About It?It is vital that our country does not let go of one of its greatest individual attributes â€" its language.English is considered as the number one business language in the world, which makes it somewhat sacred. Teaching our yo unger generations to speak, and more importantly write, is a necessity not only for the future of our language but also for the adults of the future.Those who struggle to write well often feel insecure about writing anything at all and allow their creativity to be stifled. By helping all youngsters improve their communication skills and the way they approach writing, we could be welcoming more creative minds, which is a hugely important quality for the development of our society.Benefits Of Daily WritingThe only way to improve your writing style is to practice, and do lots of it! The more writing you do, the better your technique will be and the easier you will find the task. That is why writing on a regular basis is a good idea for those who really want to ramp up their skills, and particularly those who want to graft their writing and make a career out of it. These individuals should ideally be writing everyday.Budding authors, despite potentially being very good at their craft al ready, are encouraged to write daily and to publish blogs into the public domain. Having others read your writing is extremely valuable, so that any criticism can be taken on board and a lesson can be learnt for the future.Did you know that all books are edited before they get published, even those by the best-selling authors of the world?It is essential that books have another pair of eyes to look over them to check for any missed errors, to check their suitability for their desired audience and to suggest changes to things like content, tone and structure which might make the book be better perceived and thus sell more copies. Editors themselves are experts of their field (and are often writers themselves) and their input is essential.Learn more about the English languague thanks to English tutors and teachers.Remember To Read As Much As You WriteReading a variety of texts with differing styles can help you to absorb more writing techniques and experience more emotions as a result .Written words are interpreted differently by each end every reader, which is what makes reading and writing so subjective. Books are intended to invoke a variety of emotions for the reader, so being able to perform this duty as an author is key.As you familiarise yourself with more texts, you will find yourself becoming a critique. This is good because it means that you really care about writing!Many have commented on J K Rowling’s use of language in her world-famous Harry Potter series, hinting that this is not quite as world-class as the collection of books has grown to be. Yet others argue that her mastery of simplistic language, used in a way that tells such a vivid story, is what makes her such a brilliant writer for her intended audience.The History Of The English LanguageThe history of English dates back to 430 AD, when a mixture of tribes resided in Britain and spoke different variations of a Germanic language. As they gradually colonised the island, the various kingdoms were slowly dominated by the Anglo Saxons and the emerging language became known as Englisc, now referred to as Old English.Though it is hard to put a date on the creation of the English language, the facts all point to the first distinguishing features of the language we know now started off as four dialects: Northumbrian, Mercian, West Saxon and Kentish.Although approximately 85% of Old English words were thought to have died out over the years, some common words in the English language had their roots in the dialect. Many Anglo Saxon texts have survived to this day, with the most famous being 'Beowulf', which was written sometime between the 8th and 11th century and is now studied as part of many English-related courses.

Great Writers to Learn German

Great Writers to Learn German How to Learn German? Learn from the Best Novelists ChaptersDiscover Classical German Literature with GoetheDiscover German Thrillers with SüskindDiscover German Philosophy with Thomas MannDiscover Children’s Literature with the Brothers GrimmDiscover War Literature with Stefan ZweigFor any scholar wanting to learn a foreign language and become bilingual, reading literature is one of the most effective techniques. The same is true if you want to learn German.Students learning Deutsch should consider reading aloud, listening to audio books, or even saying certain terms themselves so that they can practice the pronunciation themselves.  German literature includes some of the most famous works in the world!Discovering German literature can help students improve in the language as well as learning about it and the accompanying culture. Put simply, if you want to Speak German, you have to read German.If you're not familiar with German literature, here are some of the German writers you have to read! This list includes a variety of write rs that are well known in most German speaking countries and includes poets, novelists, and even literary works that you may be more familiar with as Disney films! SönkeGerman Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ClaudiaGerman Teacher 4.89 (9) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SefaGerman Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HilaryGerman Teacher 5.00 (16) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LisaGerman Teacher 5.00 (8) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChrisGerman Teacher 5.00 (19) £39/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors WendyGerman Teacher 5.00 (2) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HowardGerman Teacher 5.00 (6) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsDiscover Classical German Literature with GoetheWriting StyleJohann Wolfgang von Goethe is one of German literature’s most prominent figures. As both a writer and a statesman, Goethe had a huge influence on German literary cultur e. Anyone doing German studies will probably hear about his linguistic prowess.  His writing is as synonymous with German as Shakespeare is with English.Goethe’s first written work was published in 1773 and most German schools study him. Goethe tried to explore German culture in its entirety. He was also a proponent of the Sturm und Drang (storm and stress) Romantic movement of the late 18th century.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was simultaneously a:PoetNovelistPlaywrightPhilosopherDiplomatStatesmanArt TheoristScientistBotanist, etc.The romantic author aimed to bring fiction and philosophy together in all his works in order to expose the 18th-century European way of thinking. As an opponent of the French Revolution, Goethe was controversial, especially when it came to sensitive topics like suicide.Goethe was so famous that the German cultural institute is named after him. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)Goethe inspired a number of English and German writers in the 1790s and is often consi dered as the precursor to the Romantic movement.Not content with just writing simple prose, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe explored a number of literary styles including autobiographies, essays, scientific studies, and even poetry. The Goethe Institut, which promotes the German language and culture, is named after the man.Famous WorksSome of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s most famous works include:Faust, Part OneFaust, Part TwoThe Sorrows of Young WertherEgmontTorquato TassoPrometheusElective AffinitiesWilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, etc.The Sorrows of Young Werther is considered as one of German literature’s most important works. Covering the woes of a young suicidal man, the novel was controversial at the time. In fact, suicide was against the morals of the bourgeoisie and the book was considered immoral and subjected to heavy criticism from the bourgeoisie of the time.The book even inspired “Werther Fever” in Europe in which men dressed like the protagonist and women like Cha rlotte, his sweetheart.Discover German Thrillers with SüskindWriting StylePatrick Süskind is a contemporary German author. He was born in 1949 and studied at the University of Munich before moving to Paris where he started writing his first works.Patrick Süskind was and remains a secretive writer and only gave interviews to speak about his work. Süskind was inspired in French towns and often used it as the backdrop to his works. He explained that he found 18th century France attractive as it was the birthplace of “modern man”.Perfume was adapted for the big screen in 2006 with Ben Whishaw playing Grenouille. (Source: Uva Rova)His works often mix fiction and historicity. To describe the society of the time, Süskind often uses extensive narratives that expose the protagonists’ feelings.Famous WorksPerfume is undoubtedly Patrick Süskind’s most popular work and one of the most important works of the 20th century.His other important works include:Perfume: The Story of a Mur dererThe PigeonThe Story of Mr. SommerOn Love and DeathMaître Mussard's BequestThe Double BassA Battle, etc.Perfume covers the history of Grenouille, a French orphan with an exceptional sense of smell. Guided by his nose, Grenouille starts killing those whose smells are particularly powerful. The novel is often seen as a allegory of Adolf Hitler’s rise to power.Learn more about German culture... or take German courses London. SönkeGerman Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ClaudiaGerman Teacher 4.89 (9) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SefaGerman Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HilaryGerman Teacher 5.00 (16) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LisaGerman Teacher 5.00 (8) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChrisGerman Teacher 5.00 (19) £39/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors WendyGerman Teacher 5.00 (2) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HowardGerman Teacher 5.00 (6) £20/h1 st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsDiscover German Philosophy with Thomas MannWriting StyleBorn in 1875, Thomas Mann is one of the world’s most famous German writers. He’s part of the German language’s history. The novelist won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1929 and was inspired by Goethe, Schopenhauer. and even Nietzche.  Thomas Mann criticised the German and European way of thinking by modernising biblical and classical literature.His writing was highly symbolic and Mann tended to provide an glimpse into the individual psychology of his protagonists. Mann was without a doubt a humanist but he also deeply believed in humanity’s downfall. He was considered to have pioneered modern literature’s decadence.Through his writing, Mann tried to protect human values and fight against the extremism of the time.Famous WorksThomas Mann was responsible for a number of famous German novels including:The Magic MountainDeath in VeniceThe Holy SinnerBuddenbrooksJoseph and His Broth ersTristanRoyal HighnessConfessions of Felix KrullTonio KrögerThe Magic Mountain remains one of the most influential novels in German literature. Mann explores themes like time, illness, death, and even seduction.  Each character is an allegory: Settembrini represents humanism, Naphta radicalism, Ziemssen duty.Learn German online for more inspiration about German authors.Discover Children’s Literature with the Brothers GrimmWriting StyleBorn in 1785 and 1786, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were linguists and philologists famous for their fairy tales.The two brothers, who were interested in the German language, created grammar manuals in order to help their young compatriots learn about sentence and word formation.They were also really influential in linguistics and created a dictionary! Jacob Grimm also studied Germanic languages and the First Germanic Sound Shift is more commonly known as Grimm's Law.Unlike modern dictionaries, the Grimm dictionary also included the history and evoluti on of each word over time. This massive work unfortunately remains unfinished since the brothers underestimated the size of the task.The Brothers Grimm decided to create their own fairy tales in order to get adults interested in German literature and improve literacy.Most people are familiar with the Disney version of Cinderella but have you read the Grimm version? (Source: Wikimedia Commons)Grimms’ Fairy Tales were never really intended for children. In fact, it’s only through being heavily censored that they were even told to children. Themes like nature, cruelty, and violence were lifted from the works in order to make them more suitable for children.However, Grimms’ Fairy Tales also comment on the societal problems of 17th century Germany.Famous WorksThanks to Disney adaptations, everyone is familiar with their fairy tales.Some of their most famous fairy tales include:CinderellaBeauty and the BeastHansel and GretelThe Princess and the FrogSleeping BeautyTom ThumbSnow White Little Red Riding HoodRapunzelReading the original Grimm version can help learners discover simple German vocabulary and accessible language.  By reading familiar stories, you can improve your German as well as discover the differences.Hansel and Gretel is another one of the famous Grimm fairy tales. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)Discover War Literature with Stefan ZweigWriting StyleBorn in the late nineteenth century in Austria, Stefan Zweig is one of the most famous contemporary German writers and was at the height of his career in the early twentieth century.The Austrian writer of Jewish heritage was particularly affected by his personal experience during the First World War where he was in the army. The violent scenes that he witnessed can be seen in his texts. His writing became more violent, as did the writing of others at the time.Zweig’s work includes themes such as social exclusion, physical and moral violence, repression, and psychology. Zweig was also very close friends wi th the psychologist Sigmund Freud who inspired him in creating his characters.  Zweig is an author you should know if you’re wanting to impress the German authorities and pass a German citizenship test.The author’s tragic demise may have also played a role in the popularity of his works. Traumatised by the Second World War, Zweig lost faith in humanity and decided to commit suicide with his partner Lotte in 1942.Famous WorksSome of Zweig’s most popular works include:Confusion of FeelingsJourney into the PastThe Royal GameFearTwenty-Four Hours in the Life of a WomanForgotten DreamsBeware of PityThe RefugeeZweig’s works are particularly useful for discovering the German language. In fact, most of his stories of novellas meaning you can discover most of his most important works in just a few hours of reading.Furthermore, Zweig’s writing is available to everyone since it’s been public domain since 2013.Remember that reading German literature can really help those learning Ge rman and is a gateway to discovering the culture, too!